Get immediate, accurate answers to your questions about your work in Texas public schools and the benefits of being a member of the Texas AFT Associate Membership Program (AMP). Browse answers to common questions, chat with your peers about issues you’re facing, and get expert support, all for free!
Asking is easy! Just type in your question and get an immediate response, and if your issue needs further clarification, our experts will start a one-on-one conversation with you.
Here a few of the issues Texas teachers and school employees have been asking about:
- Contracts and non-renewals
- Planning and preparation time rights
- How to handle workplace conflicts
- Issues around compensation and work requirements
- Responsibility for stolen or lost textbooks or technology
What else can I do in this app?
- Browse answers to popular questions
- Chat with other public school employees about issues in your school
- Learn more about your Texas AFT membership or how to join
- Get notifications for important news related to Texas public education
Why should I trust the information in this app?
- This app was created and is maintained by Texas AFT staff and your data will not be shared with other entities.
How are you keeping my information safe?
- We have a terms of service and privacy policy that protects your identity and your data. Your personal information is not visible to other users and we don’t share it with anyone..
Are there any costs or fees to use this app?
- No, Ask Texas AFT is free of charge (no fees, membership, or credit card is required).